You may pay your traffic ticket through the mail or in person. Please contact the court if you are unable to pay without undue hardship to yourself or your dependents. You may request a hearing before a Judge to consider your ability to pay and request any non-monetary compliance options available to you. You should be prepared to explain and document your financial situation to the Court.
Payments may be mailed to:
Jarrell Municipal Court
161 Town Center Blvd.
Jarrell, Texas 76537
(512) 746-4593 ext 120
To appear in person, we are located in the Council and Court Building at:
Jarrell Municipal Court
161 Town Center Blvd.
Jarrell, Texas 76537
We accept cash (in person ONLY), money orders, cashier checks, VISA, Discover, American Express and Master Card.
After hours payments and documents may be submitted through our drop box located in the front of our building . Do not submit cash through the night drop or by mail. Please be sure to include your full name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and citation number with any payment or document submitted to the court.