Jarrell TX 76537
*Closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm for lunch
Overview of the Public Information Act
The Public Information Act (PIA) provides a mechanism for citizens to inspect or copy government records. It also provides that governmental bodies may withhold government records from the public in specific instances.
The PIA generally requires a governmental body to release information in response to a request for information. However, if a governmental body determines the information is excepted from disclosure under the PIA, then both the request and information at issue must be reviewed by the Open Records Division (ORD). The ORD will issue a decision on whether the governmental body is permitted to withhold the requested information or must release the information to the requestor.
Public Information Act informational posters can be found here: English Spanish
To submit a Public Information Request, please download our Public Information Request Form, enter the necessary information and submit it to City Hall. Your submission can be dropped off at our office, emailed to Dianne Peace or faxed to (512) 746-2052.
Accident Reports - All crash accident reports are available on the TxDOT website at: ■ https://cris.dot.state.tx.us/public/Purchase/ . Enter in as much information as possible, including the case number the officer provided to you at the accident.
To obtain a copy of a Police Incident Report (other than an accident report), please email your request to municlerk@cityofjarrell.com . Be sure to include in your email as much information as possible, including but not limited to:
- your name and/or company
- the date of the incident
- the report # as provided by the responding officer
- any other pertinent information to narrow down our search criteria
For questions, please contact Dianne Peace at (512) 746-4593 ext. 121 or email to Dianne Peace
For further information from the Texas Attorney General’s office regarding the Public Information Act, please visit their website by clicking HERE.